At Spark, one of the largest goals is to enable an easy and enjoyable online shopping experience, pushing digital as one of our forefront channels.
The aim of this project was to identify existing pain points with the then-current online retail journey, taking into consideration the unique points of our product propositions (broadband, landline, mobile, services, and devices).
The solution that we arrived at had to have the following qualities:
Based on customers' data that was provided to us, and research that we had previously conducted (hueristic evaluations, qualitative testing, etc.) we based our solution around the idea that customers viewed data and price as the largest factors that contributed to their choice of providers, and sought to make that information as easily understandable and comparable as possible.
In order to encourage simplicity and reduce required customer learning of how the website functions, we applied the same design pattern throughout the website as far as possible.
When developing a full E2E journey for the retail experience, the main goal was to have it as simple as possible, and as scalable and repeatable as possible. This was to take advantage of customer learning and expectations - once they had gone through a product journey once, the customer would now be familiar with the experience and be able to complete it with even less effort.
As IA was also an integral part of the retail experience (the customer needs to be able to easily access and find what they're looking for), there was also work done around that.
Once we felt we had a solution that was ready to be tested, we took it to facilitated testing. We crafted a script and sat with recruited customers to gain valuable insight. We set up a room where different stakeholders could come and observe and leave notes.
There were great insights overall with several standouts: